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Saturday, March 20, 2010


I am the last person to jump on bandwagons.  In fact, I am a fairly cautious person.  When I was diagnosed with MS, I had everyone imaginable trying to show me a "miracle" cure.  I had people a barely knew tell me that they had found a super product that would fight my symptoms.  At that time I was desperate, so I tried most of it.  I gradually lost the hope that a cure was coming in the form of medicine or in the form of something natural.  Then as you can see by my video above, I just lost hope period.  So why do I talk so glowingly about Beachbody and Shakeology?  Oh, let me count the ways, at least 3 off the top of my head!

1)     Energy!  I went from never being hungry, having no will to move to working out and having fun with life again!  I won’t bore you with details of how hard it was to get through my day just suffice it to say that I felt like I was walking through mud every waking moment.  My thoughts were also swimming in mud so when I began to have energy again and I began to think clearer and all I had to do was drink a shake that tasted like a chocolate malt to get that result, it was a no brainer to me!  It helped me control my cravings for sweets (huge struggle for me), and made my body begin to work the way it was suppose to..finally!
2)    Biceps!   I was a farm girl growing up.  I rode horses and did everyday things thinking that was exercise.  In high school I was the studious type so activity was somewhat sporadic.  I was a jazzercise girl in college, I loved to play tennis and I really liked being active but I was never in shape, in fact I was rather plump. J  It wasn’t until I started working out with P90X that I saw muscle forming on my body and weight dropping off.  I was wearing sizes that were only a dream for me.  I was instantly in love with Tony Horton and Beachbody!
3)    Attitude!  I mentioned that I was somewhat sad..okay, extremely sad.  You can tell from my pictures the state I was in and unfortunately that is what was modeled to my boys.  I am not kidding when I say that I pulled my family down to my level of disillusionment.  Can you imagine seeing your primary caregivers..your parents..have no hope for the future?  Dan and I didn’t.  We were told that I would be in a nursing home by the age of 40 because I had such an aggressive disease.  I was told that at the age of 28 with 2 young boys in my house.  I still feel a little sick to my stomach when I remember hearing those words. Now look at my pictures..I am smiling and I am strong..both physically and mentally.  Beachbody did this for me.  I have the tools at my disposal to kick the @#!% out of my MS.  I feel empowered to succeed in every aspect of my life.  I have given my body what it needs…regular exercise, superior nutrition, and hope. 

 So, miracle cure..not in so many words, but all I can attest to is how it has changed my life.  It is something that has taken a body ravaged by numerous medications and beaten down by life and transformed it into what I always knew I could become.  A better wife and mother which is all I have ever hoped for.  That constitutes a miracle to me.  J

The product that changed my life!