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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Beachbody's Million Dollar Body Game Finalist!!

   Wow!  I am still adjusting to that fact that I am one of 4 amazing women named as finalists in Beachbody's MDBG!  I am thrilled to see the wonderful and inspirational group selected- each person has worked so hard and changed their lives dramatically.  This group of girls along with 4 men will be at the Summit in CA, on a stage at the Hyatt Regency, May 1st when they announce the winner.  One man and one woman will receive $25,000!  I am so very honored and excited to see where this road leads!
   If you aren't a member of Beachbody and would like to see the finalists, sign up for free at this link http://bit.ly/aZjMsZ   If you are already a member, I urge you to read each persons story and understand the difficulties each and every one of us have overcome to be where we are.  Beachbody isn't just about changing our weight, or our muscle mass.  It is about changing our lives and our perceptions of our abilities.  I have regained my sense of purpose in life.  I have found my strength.  We have discovered an entire community of support and in turn are creating our own positive, supportive team within that same community.  My family's journey over this past year has been nothing short of miraculous.  Dan, my boys, myself and my in-laws, have lost a total of 240 lbs in the past year!  This is incredible in itself but what I am the most proud of is that we have become better people  in the process.   Beachbody is about changing lives.. P90X and Shakeology definitely changed mine!

The product that changed my life!