I woke up this morning, drank my coffee, and set about my daily activities. Nothing new, nothing exciting, just everyday stuff. As I was looking at a mountain of laundry, I could hear the programmed voice in my head trying to pull me down with “You will never finish this!” What??? Why would I do that to myself? Aren’t we on the same team here? I know this sounds crazy but I really do talk to myself like this. J
Why I share this with you is because I have heard that voice before..right before I started P90X. I realized that if I had listened to all the negativity floating around, there would have been no way I would have completed the program. John C. Maxwell says “Your life changes when you change something you do every day.” What I did every day was doubt myself. I changed that when I stepped away from the feelings of weakness and pushed play with Tony Horton. I did this despite physical reasons not to workout! The best part was even on the mornings when my muscles were aching, I didn’t hear those voices ever again. All I heard after that first Chest and Back routine was “You go girl!”
Are you holding yourself back? Are you unwilling to change something as simple as the negative voice in your head? If so, I am here to tell you that you can change that voice..all you have to do is believe!