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Tuesday, May 4, 2010


What a weekend!!!!

I am brimming over with excitement today. This past weekend was Beachbody’s annual Summit. If you are on facebook you will have seen that I was the female GRAND PRIZE WINNER! I wanted to write something profound today, so here I sit in front of my computer racking my brain for something meaningful to say that will convey exactly how I am feeling. I’m thinking…I’m thinking….still thinking….okay here goes…


That is the most profound thought in my head right now. As I was immersed into the Summit experience with over 1100 people who have been touched in someway by Beachbody, whether that be as a customer who changed their fitness level or by the struggling single mom who is using her Beachbody business to pay her bills, I was in awe of the positive, loving spirits that surrounded me. From the very first day Dan and I arrived at our hotel I was immediately touched. As soon as we pushed through the doors, we were approached by two beautiful women who had flown from the Netherlands to tell me how I had inspired them. My heart began to swell..as well as tears..to see how much love was in their eyes. I had never personally spoken to them before that moment, but in that first meeting, I felt full of awe and my heart began to swell.

It continued from there. I heard wonderful, amazing stories from so many that said learning about my struggles and how I pushed through them had changed or inspired them to do the same in their own lives. We would hug, and I would even cry a few happy tears, and my heart would swell a little more. Then I would talk to someone who either had MS or knew of someone with MS. We would talk of ways to encourage and support each other and their loved ones. I saw people who were involved in MS Society events like walks, bike rides, and volunteering their support and my heart would again swell.

I felt that love with every conversation, every smile, and every hug until I thought my heart would burst. I loved the stories of people helping people through their trials. We were bombarded with positive energy from all angles. Each and every person there was a survivor in some amazing fashion and I felt so honored and humbled to be on that stage in the end. That is the reason for my “profound” statement in the beginning…I again say from the bottom of my heart..


Because while you were telling me of how I inspired you and how amazing you found my story, I was thinking the same about each and every one of you. Lives were changed this weekend in the most beautiful way possible. You can be a part of that. You have a story..you can change peoples lives, you can make a difference. My only hope is that every person that reads this can feel my love because I am sending it straight to you. 

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