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Friday, May 21, 2010

Who takes care of you?

Too many of us become overwhelmed, stop taking care of ourselves and expect others to step in and do it for us. This is what led me to begin my downward spiral before Dan found Beachbody. I didn’t think I was of any value to others, I felt that I wasn’t able to take care of myself or my children and I found it easier for others to do it for me. I became dependent on others to motivate me, I found myself feeling unworthy. Sounds pretty depressing doesn't it..exactly.  Depression was a constant in my life just 14 months ago.  So how did I take the steps to change that? I got moving!

It doesn’t matter what you choose to do as long as you are doing something. Go for a quick walk, jog in place in your living room, do jumping jacks, or like me sit in your chair and move your arms! Get your blood pumping!
I chose to do P90X because my husband was doing it and it looked like fun. We modified the program to fit my ability.  Just becoming active changed my perspective because it gave me a feeling of accomplishment. If you are feeling lost in the shuffle of life, exercise can help with that! There are several articles that discuss the benefits of exercise when dealing with depression. I didn’t want to hear about that when I was drowning in my own issues but now I see that it truly helped. It was the catalyst to turning my life around. By getting my body moving again with P90X then adding the superior nutrients in Shakeology, I found myself again. I became the person I wanted to be, not the one that MS was forcing me to become. That was a year ago, and our family life is completely different.  I am finally feel like I am worthy of being taken care of by the most important person in my life...me!  I still have Multiple Sclerosis, but it doesn’t have me.

Suffer from depression? http://bit.ly/boDhM4

The product that changed my life!