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Friday, April 16, 2010

This little light of mine...I'm going to let it shine..

Did you ever have one of those days? I think I have had one of those days for the last week! I wake up every morning with a super attitude, ready to take on the world, and before you know it, I am being bombarded with negativity! Wow! Does it have to be this hard? The answer apparently is yes, or at least that is what I thought.

Upon closer examination I realized that it wasn’t that everything around me was negative it was that I had stopped nurturing that positive feeling I had when I began my day. It’s not that life had instantly gotten harder; I unfortunately let little things happen to undermine that positive spark, my positive “little light of mine”. I had let little things like burning my hand making toast for my son, spilling almond milk as I made my Chocolate Shakeology, and not getting my workout in when I wanted to completely derail my positive attitude. So I stopped, took a deep breath, hugged my boys, and started my workout. I took the first step I could to change my attitude. I surrounded myself with love and then stepped up to do something I love! I have to say..I killed P90X Back & Biceps!

I rediscovered that my attitude was completely under my control. I was not a victim of circumstances. I was not a victim of my toaster, my clumsiness, or any disease. I was not a victim to ANYTHING!! I feel good…I am so back!! I have my head on straight and my sweat on! Come join me anytime, I’ll gladly share my “little light”. :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

I love Spring!  This is the time when everything just oozes hope and renewal.  Those are my thoughts today as I jot this note to say..take advantage of this opportunity to renew yourself!  Be true to you and take care of yourself.  Emotionally, spiritually, and nutrionally!  No one else will take better care of you than you will, I promise! :)

I spent many years believing that I wasn't important enough to make a priority.  My husband and my boys were terrific at always making me feel special and important in their eyes.  In my own, I was nothing but a liability to an otherwise healthy, normal family.  Frustrating to them, depressing to me.  Wow..so many years wasted that I would love to have back! 

I take care of me now.  I eat right most of the time thanks to Shakeology and the nutriton plan that came with our P90X program.  I exercise with my family and a virtual trainer in Tony Horton, and I am so much happier.  I love life again and in turn I am able to share that love with my family.  The saying is so right that in order to truly love others you have to love yourself first.  Renew your love of self!  You will not regret it :)

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