Yesterday I worked out with my husband..Core Synergistics..from P90X. I of course had to modify a lot of the moves to fit me and my strengths but what I found in the process is that I could get a great workout! It was different than Dan’s but it was a great one for me! This workout was all about working my core which is difficult for me since I have reduced feeling from my chest down. I have to position myself in ways that work the muscle group targeted and trust that the muscles are working even though I can’t feel them. It is strange because I can feel more on the left side of my body so a logical person would assume that if I can feel it on one side than the other side would have to be working as well. I just kept telling myself to move..if nothing else..just move your arms..move what you can move! It must have worked because I am sore all over today! J Thank goodness for P90X Results and Recovery Drink and Shakeology!
My point with this is do not get frustrated if you can not perform exactly like it shows on the DVD or if you feel like you didn’t do as well as you expected to do. It is easy to say..this doesn’t work for me because it’s too hard. At that point I look at it as I have the ability to grow into the program. Be creative! There is a reason that Tony Horton continually says “modify”! It will be hard in the beginning because you will not be used to working the muscles correctly, but as you continue following the program you will get stronger and the moves that you struggled with will become easier and you will see results! You just have to stick with it..don’t ever give up!